Pacientes que moram em outros países ou longe de São Paulo são bem vindos em nossa clínica. O fluxo constante e crescente de pacientes de longa distância nos estimula a tornar a sua experiência o mais agradável possível durante todas as etapas de seu tratamento: antes, durante e após a cirurgia.
Nosso consultório irá auxiliá-lo(a) em um ou mais dos seguintes apoios para que tenha mais conforto e segurança:
- Hospedagem em hotel/flat de alta qualidade.
- Acompanhante particular com experiência de cuidados pós-operatórios em seu local de recuperação (auxílio para tomar banho, se vestir, se alimentar e cuidar dos curativos).
- Massagem/drenagem linfática.
- Cuidados gerais de pele.
- Avaliação conjunta de médicos especializados (cardiologista, anestesista, endocrinologista, clínico geral, nutricionista, cirurgião geral/bariátrico, dermatologista, psicólogo/psiquiatra, fonoaudiólogo).
- Tradutor bilíngüe.
- Transporte: aeroporto-hotel; hotel-hospital; hotel-Clínica Wulkan.
- Auxílio no turismo e informações sobre restaurantes.
Acreditamos que seja de grande importância a comunicação clara e precisa por e-mail antes da consulta particular. Por favor, entre em contato com nossa clínica clicando aqui ou entre em contato com drwulkan@drwulkan.com.br. Para um atendimento personalizado, ligue diretamente para nossa coodernadora de pacientes, de segunda a sexta feira, entre 13:00 e 20:00 no celular 11-96723-6789. Dessa forma, poderemos ter seu histórico médico e conhecer seus anseios, assim como prever uma estimativa de tempo necessário para sua recuperação em São Paulo até seu retorno à cidade em que mora.
Dr. Marcelo Wulkan, MD, PhD, runs a private practice in aesthetic plastic surgery at Clinica Wulkan in Sao Paulo, Brazil. A surgeon with expertise in a wide variety of procedures, when not treating private clients he conducts surgery at a number of Brazil’s top hospitals recognized by Joint Commission International.
Following his residency in Brazil, Dr. Wulkan studied under a number of the top American practitioners in his field, at Harvard, New York University, the Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, University of Pittsburgh, University of Chicago, University of Illinois at Chicago, as well as at private clinics in Boston, New York, Nashua, Dallas, San Francisco, Chicago and Pittsburgh. Dr. Wulkan has published many papers in the fields of plastic and reconstructive surgery, and enjoys giving lectures in both Brazil and the US, both at universities and at medical congresses.
Dr. Wulkan speaks fluent English and because he has an international background, many of our current patients live outside Brazil and we continue to welcome patients from outside to contact us.
Dr. Wulkan is dedicated to providing the best results possible for his patients. He is also committed to ensuring that each patient fully understands the limitations and realistic expectations of plastic surgery.
The clinic offers, as an optional service to its clients, one or more of the following services for our international patients:
- 24/7 translator.
- Transportation (taxi, armored car, limousine, airplane, helicopter).
- Hotels, condos.
- Full medical team (anesthesiology, cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology, psichology).
- Massage/lymphatic drainage.
- Skin care.
- Tourism/local restaurants information.
In working with long-distance patients, we find it to be very helpful to get as much preliminary medical information as possible before your consultation appointment with Dr. Wulkan. Using e-mails we can gather much of the basic information and determine a tentative time-table for surgery and recovery.
Our office is widely respected for safety and good results. Patients visit our practice from across the country and round the world to undergo plastic surgery procedures with Dr. Wulkan.
We appreciate the extra effort it takes to travel to come to Clinica Wulkan. Our staff will work with you to make your trip as easy and pleasant as possible.
Please contact Dr. Wulkan directly at drwulkan@drwulkan.com.br. Dr. Wulkan will be delighted to get back to you as soon as possible. If necessary, send your phone number with code area so he may call you as well in english. Please provide information on your past history, medical problems that impact surgery and copies of past operative reports.
Although medical decisions can only be made after an in person examination, Dr. Wulkan will contact you and explain your doubts.